In order to provide our clients with the most accurate shade matching system, we have chosen the Vitapan 3D Master Shade System. The Vitapan system provides highly accurate matching whether matching a bridge, a partial denture or a single central. The Vitapan system is the only shade guide in the world that takes into consideration all three elements of color and creates a systematic, objective, and simple method for communicating the shade to our lab.


Proper shade communication is easier than you think when armed with the correct knowledge and tools. Consider all three elements of color when applied to a tooth; is it light in value, yellowish or reddish in hue or light in chroma? Now imagine a shade guide with an accompanying PFM and an all-ceramic system of precisely shade matched restorative materials that gives you proper and complete control over these elements. That’s exactly what VITA has done.

Whether matching a bridge, partial denture or the ever-challenging single central, VITA now provides the only shade guide in the world that takes into consideration all three elements of color and creates a systematic, objective, and simple method for communicating the shade to our lab. It’s called the VITAPAN 3D-MASTER Shade System.